I have no doubt that the obesity and health issues that we see today are both due to our food being converted from actual food to chemical-laden garbage. Wheat and corn crops (among others) have been compromised globally thanks to GMO. Even when you think you are eating healthy, you probably aren't. Our food, water, and air is so full of poisons and pesticides that they find pretty significant amounts in unborn babies (fetuses). And the US is probably the worst in the world at food, considering all of the preservatives and prepackaged box meals that we consume. We are still letting them put fluoride in our water, for heaven's sakes.
There is no doubt that the food chain is tainted and people must be more conscience of what they are eating. Sugar is a top ingredient in all foods. Sugar is addictive and makes people crave more food. The food industry discovered this years ago, so they put more sugar into all foods. Fast foods are loaded with calories and little nutrition, but people steadily consume a diet with fast foods as a big source of their diet.
Last year I lost 60 pounds and feel so much better. My goal this year is to lose another 20 pounds. I did it the right way by combining proper diet with cardio exercises and weight lifting (light weights, high repetition). In the diet I eliminated as many sources of sugar, enriched flour, soy, and highly processed foods. I also reduced my carbohydrate and fat intake while increasing my protein consumption. My diet consists mostly of whole natural foods, lots of water, limited dairy, and a salad daily. Instead of drowning the salad in sugar, soy oil, and fat filled dressings, I use balsamic vinegar with added spices like garlic and onion power plus a squeeze of lemon. Getting the sugar and salt out of my diet and system was hard because it is in almost every food on the grocery shelf.
America has ruined its food supply and it is up to the individual to find the right things to eat. Even though most things are tainted, there are still good foods available. People can grow gardens and can the foods. If you cannot grow a garden, go to the farmer's market and can what you buy. Focus on whole foods instead of something out of a box that is chemical laden. If you read the label and cannot pronounce the ingredients, put it back on the shelf. Also remember exercise is a key for beating obesity, but then you cannot exercise for an hour and then go have a big Mac meal.
90% of what I buy now is fresh vegetables and organic meat. 2 years ago, it was about 0%. I watched my quite-ill son recover from having daily hallucinations and missing school 1-2 days a week just on diet changes and the addition of some natural supplements. Along with a very very poor diet, western medicine is killing us. I used to think that natural medicine was hokey and not real. I now know that it is very very effective and find that the "take a pill" method of western medicine only seems to cause us more and more problems. Think about it, humanity has been using natural medicine for thousands of years but most doctors now seem to think that money hungry pharmaceutical companies are the only ones capable of curing us. Well, every time I have been put on a new medicine, I usually end up on 2-3 more just to weed out side effects and nothing really seems to get better. I started eating right and lost 30 pounds. I started working out and look and feel better than I ever have. I get frustrated because our crops have been so contaminated that even eating well will saturate your body with chemicals.
I love this discussion. I gave up about 3/4 of my caffeine consumption several years ago and dropped my blood pressure by about 30 pts. I'm not vegetarian, but darn close to it. Meat consumption down probably about 80%, and most of the meat protein I do eat is fish. If anyone has ever listened to Dave Ramsey, the money makeover guy, he talks about eating "beans and rice, rice and beans" as a means of cutting costs to put your money against debts and become debt free. I happen to love brown rice and beans, so that's a staple at my house. I'm 6'1" and have dropped down to 180 lbs. I got off of Lipitor 3 years ago, and aside from general aches/pains from aging, I feel as good as I've ever felt. I'm fortunate to be in a position that I can pick and choose healthy options. Sadly, a lot of people aren't. That, or they don't care to make any effort to change bad habits.
Congratulations on this life style change. The other week I met a woman who dropped from 310 to 140 in about 18 months. She used nutrition by eating correctly and currently runs a lot. This was not a drastic change with a stomach band, etc., it was just hard work and dedication.
There was a guy at work that died last week during stomach reduction.