Boys Scouts now allow girls to join.
They will change their name from "Boy Scouts of America" to "Scouts BSA."
My thoughts: I'm more worried about boys that want to join the Girl Scouts than girls that want to join the Boy Scouts.
Last edited by Sooper_Rebel (5/02/2018 2:14 pm)
There would have been a whole lotta shaking going on if girls were allowed to join our Boy Scout troop. We would have been open to letting the girls join and especially go on the camp outs!!!
Just another way to feminize our boys... For the life of me I don't understand why these feminists feel so threatened by having an all boys organization.... But these types are NEVER happy unless they are undermining traditional values.
Young boys need to be with each other under mentorship of a man to serve as a role model to show young boys what a man should strive toward. When I was a scout we had discussions in our troop that could not be done with girls around..... Nothing dirty but guy talk that allows young boys to feel comfortable to participate in.... With a girl around that would NEVER happen. The introduction of girls alters that chemistry and young boys won't act like boys as they tend to go 'goofy' around young girls as they are not yet developed emotionally.....
There are plenty of places for boys and girls to, Sunday School etc..... There should be a 1 place for boys to be boys......
I note that even the girl scouts aren't selling out like this.... They still proudly proclaim GIRL Scouts.....
The fact the Boy Scouts will be allowing girls to enter their groups will be a downturn in the organization due to some of the facts mentioned above. Young boys need their own entity and girls need their own entity. If the groups want to have coordinated events together, then this should not be a problem, but bringing the girls into boy scouts as members is not good for the organization. The only people who will benefit are the politically correct feminist who probably do not have children in the Boy Scouts.
Click below for a good commentary on Boy Scouts allowing girls to join:
catfishboy wrote:
Click below for a good commentary on Boy Scouts allowing girls to join:
Yup....and once they've managed to turn everyone into Metrosexuals and some other form of freak those that still have a 'sack' won't be able or willing to defend family or country.....
You'll even notice that men on TV are portrayed as wimps.....and/or idiots.....
There's a commercial running right now that has this wimpy teenage 'boy' come into his parent's bedroom and confess he's had an accident.....the dad just lays there in bed like a legume and says zero, zip, nada..... and the mother cracks the whip as the dispenser of discipline....."No car for 4 weeks"....... And that kid slinks away with his tail between his legs...... Can't help but think....yep like father like son.....wimpy, effeminate coward.'d think this whole movement to vilify males was designed that way...
We could have a LONG discussion about commercials today and what they're steering people to accept as normal. Specifically, at this moment, this one comes to mind:
With the tech that is out there now, it is very easy for the powers that be to steer popular opinion toward their goals. There are a lot of small minded people out there.
For some reason there is an entity that wants to make us all the same, a homogenized version of the differing characteristics of sex, race, and creed. Now you will see things on TV, at the movies, and especially in commercials that were outside the realm of most thoughts. If these messages are continually portrayed on society, especially a generation of the society, then they are accepted as being normal. Our society is being forced to think in a certain way and it will take strong willed people to keep their thoughts and remain independent by ignoring outside influence. By the way, aren't those kids adopted?
catfishboy wrote:
For some reason there is an entity that wants to make us all the same, a homogenized version of the differing characteristics of sex, race, and creed.
Those people have the mistaken idea that the only way people can be truly equal is if they are all identical, no matter what lip service they give to "diversity." Think Dr. Suess' Sneeches with the "stars on thar's."