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2/02/2018 1:25 pm  #1

released MEMO

the release of the memo that suggests that the FBI and the DOJ weaponize government against political opposition.  Not just around the fringe means like the obama IRS did with conservatives by denying selective conservative 501 orgs but full blown treason IMO.  

for 2 years the media and liberal talk shows have tried to attack trump with foreign collusion (which is not illegal btw), which has never been proven with 1 ounce of evidence.  Yet what has been proven is that the DNC and the hillary campaign paid for a foriegn agent to try and dig up dirt on Trump.  When nothing could be produced, the research coordinated with media to create made up narratives in which was used as the basis for the obama DOJ to spy on Trump.  

Even if something illegal was found, how the DOJ and anti trump elements of the FBI were weaponized should scare the living crap out of every American Citizen.   I know the liberal progressives who do not care about the means as long as it comes to their desired ends but this didn't even accomplish their desired results.  There should be so much outrage by people.  My fear is that since the liberal media was apart of this narrative and has spent years shielding their liberal friends while constantly attacking the right, will this bombshell that is 100000x bigger than anything watergate ever was, even garner the long time attention of people?  The media will attack Trump for releasing this information and not on the treason that was committed.  the media is complicit with the the treason indirectly.  If America is to continue, this has to be recognized for what it is and appropriate actions against all involved must be carried out. No matter how high it goes. 


2/03/2018 11:43 am  #2

Re: released MEMO

Yep....and notice how FAST Mueller was appointed to go after POTUS......with ZERO crime warranting it or named....Yet we have all this evidence of treason from the left and still no special counsel/prosecutor in sight.....From Sessions.....Crickets....

People should be going to jail yet I'll bet this will be Lois Lerner version 2......allowed to retire on a fat pension...

It's just my opinion but one reason for no prosecution is because those roads lead to the Obama White House and the oval office itself.....but it wouldn't do to prosecute the first black president for treason......SO nothing will come of this unless some underling is offered up as a sacrifice.....and I doubt if even that will happen.

I am beyond disgusted.

Last edited by Johnny Yuma (2/03/2018 11:48 am)

He was panther quick and Leather tough.
If he figured that He'd been pushed enough.
The Rebel----Johnny Yuma

2/03/2018 10:38 pm  #3

Re: released MEMO

The media is at fault here. They report based on ideology.  The left gets away with murder while the right has to answer for any unsubstantiated charge or narrative.  Stop watching news, stop buying papers, stop watching tv in general.  We empower their bias by turning on their bs.

     Thread Starter

2/04/2018 9:51 pm  #4

Re: released MEMO

Left and Right are the same. The argument is a dog and pony show and always was. They came together to extend the surveillance powers of the spy agencies. Smoke and mirrors.


"We can either have a free society, or we can have a biomedical security state." - Ron DeSantis

2/05/2018 6:28 am  #5

Re: released MEMO

Their is complete difference between conservatives and liberals. The issue is how progressive cancer has spread across party lines. There is little difference between nancy pelosi and a John McCain, Jeff flake, markoswki, Collins, Alexander, corker, and many other republican of the world or difference between the destructive policies of these trash bags and actual liberatarian conservatives like trey gowdy, or rand paul, or Justin smash etc. the problem is progressive politicians keep winning elections and principled people keep leaving Washington leaving us.

Last edited by Themob (2/06/2018 10:52 am)

     Thread Starter

2/05/2018 8:47 am  #6

Re: released MEMO

I used to think like you and was hardcore Republican. The problem is that every time we have a GOP run government, it acts exactly the same as a DEM run government. They argue on the outside for mutual benefit to appease their base. They can always blame the other party. Yet, our federal government continues to grab power, get larger, spend more, and is more and more intrusive in our daily lives. No thank you. The only one seemingly worth a damn is Rand Paul.

"We can either have a free society, or we can have a biomedical security state." - Ron DeSantis

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