I remember making those 5.25" floppies double-sided bt cutting a notch on the other side and then taking a hole punch and putting another hole in the outer sleeve. Always amazed me that stores sold the "double-sided" ones for more than the normal ones, when it only took 60 seconds to make them double-sided.
If you wanted to write protect the 5.25" disk, you could use tape on the notch. I still have a case of these discs that I used with an Apple IIe that has dual floppy drives.
My wife had an 8088 with no hard drive at her work. She would insert a floppy disk, load a spreadsheet program, a forerunner of Excel, and go get a cup of coffee. She would have to wait for about 5-10 minutes for the program to finish loading before she could start working.
We are so spoiled today.
I grew up thinking I would get one of these:
Instead, I got one of these:
I would prefer to have the first one.
Sooper_Rebel wrote:
I grew up thinking I would get one of these:
I got one. She's the one who loaded the floppy disk... oh, you mean the typewriter.
You had it right the first time.
Here is the one I wanted.