One of my friend's posted this on Facebook. I think it is an excellent statement of the problem.Last Ole Miss sanctions' rant. If you don't like Ole Miss, or if you don't like comparative data, or if you just don't like to read, scroll on. But, if you're interested, here's some comparative data. This will be my last rant for quite a while, like a few days probably.Ole Miss sanctions: 4 years being watched (probation), 2 yr. bowl ban (including this year = total of about 17 mil of shared bowl funds), scholarship reduction over 4 years and show cause (job restrictions) for several coaches.Chancellor says they used the sanctions imposed during the Brewer era (30-40 yrs ago) to show lack of institutional control. That's called looking for a needle in a haystack. They also said one witness testimony that was against 2 universities was only credible against us. In other words, a witness accused two people of the same crime based just on that witness' word, but they felt it only fair to believe one part of the testimony. That's called witch hunting. Now, let's look at the comparative data. I'll keep the comparisons all recent (2000's), and I'll be selective, but there are many more that could be mentioned.Miami Hurricanes (2011): They self imposed a bowl ban because a booster paid recruits in the form of cars, money and prostitutes to entice them to attend. They received 9 scholarship reductions, 3 yr. probation and players had to pay back the money they took and return the gifts (they couldn't take the sex back). Btw, the recruits were, for the most part, underage at the time of the whole prostitute thing. NCAA obviously felt no harm, no foul there.Ohio State: Tressel got in trouble because he supposedly didn't tell of some violations by players. This all involved a tattoo parlor owner who was providing gifts to players. 8 players supposedly received $14k in gifts. OSU got a 1 year bowl ban. Tressel was gone. Urban Meyer took over.North Carolina: Accused of having dummy classes for athletes to ensure they were eligible to play. NCAA pretty much showed it and had the proper witnesses; big scandal at the time, but no sanctions. Told the school to handle it themselves after a lengthy investigation.USC: Reggie Bush and O.J. Mayo accused (along with others) of taking gifts from agents. Bush relinquished his Heisman. 2 year bowl ban. 30 scholarship reductions. Stiff penalties. Almost killed their program.Penn State: Jerry Sandusky. Program used to host football camps so some sick coaches could molest young boys. NCAA made the school vacate their wins over a certain number of years, pay huge fines, lost scholarships and 4 year bowl ban. NCAA turns around and restores scholarships. NCAA approves appeal and reduces the bowl bans. Victories that were taken were restored.Baylor: Gang rape by players (52 allegations by female students against 31 players - talk about lack of control of your program) and "victim shaming" and the school covered it up. NCAA investigates, finds this an awful tragedy. Sanctions were...."clean up your act guys". The Big 12 Conference, however, did impose multi-million dollar fines on the school. Good for them, but the NCAA did nothing. One of the college Presidents on the committee of infractions for Baylor (Oregon State President Ed Ray) stated to media he "didn't have time" to read over the allegations prior to the meeting/decision, as he was on vacation.Louisville (Basketball): Recruits provided strippers and prostitutes in the college basketball dorm (no one from the school knew, supposedly) over multi-year period. Recruits underage. Sex in exchange for attendance. I'd say those would be impermissible gifts. Sanctions? Coach gets 5 game suspension from first five games, and "Don't do that again". No sanctions.I could go on, but I'll stop. You get the point. Total inconsistencies by the NCAA. Our multi-year investigation yielded $37k in impermissible benefits, of which many of these were proven false. Whatever we are guilty of, we are guilty of, and we should get sanctioned. But, bottom line, comparatively, these sanctions are over the top based on inconsistent NCAA precedents set thus far in this era. Or, they're way too lenient in the way of scholarship reductions based on USC's scholarship reductions, but too hefty on the bowl bans. Again, just inconsistent.These inconsistencies will lead to an appeal victory or a court case. The NCAA should quit using themselves (college presidents) to collectively make these decisions. This is the reason for inconsistencies. In days of old, you'd want to be judged by chosen committee members who were officials from other colleges, as you could ensure fairness, but nowadays, you definitely don't want that. People are mean and cut throat; everyone's looking out for their own interests. The committees are different people at different times, so depending on who you get is what you get. If they would just contract with outside groups to handle these investigations, it would most likely make it more consistent with better precedent. But, they don't want that, because if they did, it would have already been done.This was an unfair ruling with an attempt to destroy our program. Other coaches have already begun, according to our athletic director and President, attempting to get our Seniors to transfer. They most likely will reduce the bowl ban, and I hope they do, but the timing of it will be long after our players have had a chance to be re-recruited by other schools, which will be deliberate by the NCAA and show more readily this was a prideful witch hunt. Millions of dollars spent on this one case alone. All the while, some families can’t afford to buy their kids Christmas presents.I think our problem here was that we broke the wrong rules. You know the important ones that deserve the death penalty, like helping a family pay for a hotel or a coach letting a recruit sleep on his couch during a visit, et. Al. Those are not the rules to break, OBVIOUSLY. If only our players and coaches would have just provided recruits with prostitutes and strippers, or just given them monies for sex or cars to drive around their prostitutes, or, heaven forbid, gang raped female students, then, based on precedent mentioned above, we wouldn't be talking about bowl bans right now. Clearly, those type things are far less serious to the NCAA than the things we supposedly did. Smh. Hotty Toddy!
Everything he says is true but the problem is that nobody else cares.
Nobody cares bc they think we are just backward and racist OR they don't care bc they think we are cheaters.
We need to change our image. Going with the landshark and distancing ourselves from "rebels" and all the confederate stuff will help with the first part. The second part could have been avoided by an admin that actually fought for us, especially in the court of public opinion. Hours before we got our sanctions, we start releasing all the details about the Leo Lewis testimony. That should have been done months ago and other things years ago. But we tried to play nice with "exemplary cooperation". Yeah-that worked out well and it's honestly the reason why we got hit and other teams listed got off.
Our own conference didn't even come to our aid. Everyone knew we would just roll over and take it and the conference let the NCAA have us so the teams that actually try to win won't get in trouble.
If we "distance" ourselves from "Rebels", then they can kiss my ass good bye for good. That will absolutely be the last straw in pc bull shit.
Ellisvillereb wrote:
Well get ready cause we all know it's coming. The Ole Miss Landsharks.
Well, you have to wonder about the name. In two years there will probably be another vote to change the name. What do you think about "Freedom Fighters"?
The Ole Miss, No Defense, Land sharks Would be a more descriptive name. .
Screw Charlie the Tuna...... I think, not if but when, they take out Rebels they should change it to Mississippi Mudhens.....then we could all cackle like chickens.......maybe borrow the South Carolina rooster call...... Now a chicken would be very appropriate! A bunch of setting hens strutting around the grove.... We could borrow that tune from The Music Man....Pick a little, talk a little and get the band to play it instead of Forward Rebels.....
Man I think they should hire me....I got a whole theme going here......