Ole Miss Rebels Sports

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8/15/2017 5:09 am  #1

Game-by-game predictions for OM football 2017


The writer could be accused of wearing red and blue glasses, but it's fun to read about.  Here's hoping!


8/15/2017 5:35 am  #2

Re: Game-by-game predictions for OM football 2017

I don't get the hype over Auburn this year. I see us beating them before we'd beat LSU. I think Auburn is a 8-4 team, and LSU has the talent to reach 10 wins. 


8/15/2017 6:38 am  #3

Re: Game-by-game predictions for OM football 2017

After reading the article, it appears the write is wearing red and blue glasses.  Realistically, Ole Miss will probably win 4 or 5 games this year.  If the Rebels reach 6 wins, then this will be an achievement.  It is hard to understand how bad Freeze left the program as it went from big six bowls to less than six wins per season.

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8/15/2017 6:41 am  #4

Re: Game-by-game predictions for OM football 2017

I also see us beating the Hogs and losing to A&M.  A lot depends on the Cal. Game.  If  we do well and come home mostly injury free, this could be a lot better year than any of us are expecting. If we go out there and lay an egg (no pun intended), it could be the start of something bad. Lol lol


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