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Someone's ass should be fired over that. WTF!?!?!
Don't know whose idea it was - but Michael Thompson says on Twitter he approved it--said it was the first one that was ever done,
Last edited by OneStopReb (11/18/2017 11:11 pm)
Then they showed him live from the press box on the Jumbotron. Everyone in my section booed.
Apparently Michael Thompson set this up. He posted on Twitter or Facebook that it was 100% his idea, he thought it was going to be a troll at Tubberville since it’s 20 years since his pine box comments. Failed big time
Micheal Thompson is one of the people who was adamant about hiring Mazzone and plotted with others to overthrow Orgeron. He was also on the bus that broke down! What has Thompson done for Ole Miss? He is another example of someone at Ole Miss who needs to be gone.
Themob wrote:
Apparently Michael Thompson set this up. He posted on Twitter or Facebook that it was 100% his idea, he thought it was going to be a troll at Tubberville since it’s 20 years since his pine box comments. Failed big time
Very big of him to man up and take responsibility for it. Having said that, his ass should get chewed out by his boss over it.
If he wanted to troll Tuberville, then why not have some video play on the board with the pinebox statement. Then have images of a pinebox on the video screen followed by a welcoming of Tubby back to Ole Miss. After the welcome, Tubby would probably have gotten lots of boos. Tuberville is a washed out coach and a poor announcer. Why would Ole Miss even allow him to be back on campus in the capacity to announce their football game?
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