NBC News has a story entitled "The Confederacy still haunts the campus of Ole Miss". Now after this story, Ole Miss will get another black eye. The school will continue to apologize and give in to the demands of overzealous, politically correct liberals.
One of the main things is that the story does not portray the truth about Ole Miss. Once again, the school is painted as a place where racism and the confederacy thrive. Maybe if they tear down the Confederate statue, remove the Confederate Cemetary, and tear down the Lyceum (its an anetbellum building, and antebellum has Civil War meanings), there might be some appeasement.
Appeasing the politically correct crowd is never ending. Even if The Circle were lined with statues of Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Jesse Jackson, Barrack Obama, and Oprah Winfrery, someone, somewhere would find something wrong with Ole Miss.
Click below for the story:
Oh, and adding, do not allow bananas in any shape, form, or fashion on campus!
catfishboy wrote:
............ Maybe if they tear down the Confederate statue, remove the Confederate Cemetary, and tear down the Lyceum (its an anetbellum building, and antebellum has Civil War meanings), there might be some appeasement.
Appeasing the politically correct crowd is never ending.
Nope.....The name "Rebels" is offensive and once that is gone the name "Ole Miss" will be the next target.... But the appeasers will tell us ONCE AGAIN...."Well, tut tut, if you'll just give us the eradication of Rebels we won't ask for a single other concession." And our lemmings will proclaim....."May we have ANOTHER PUH-LEEEEZE?"
Actually, when you look at it, there's no wonder we won't fight the NCAA bullies......we learned to cave on our very identity....anything else is almost meaningless....
Last edited by Johnny Yuma (11/16/2017 12:51 pm)
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is never more true than when it comes to Ole Miss. The University has taken many steps to distance itself from its past and its "Confederate" image. This has, of course, alienated some fans and alumni. On the other hand, these changes have hardly mattered to those--quoted in the story--who believe Ole Miss is not doing nearly enough to move away from its past. The lesson here is that like Aesop's fable of the father, son and donkey, you won't please everybody no matter what you do.
Last edited by Semper (11/16/2017 3:54 pm)
Semper wrote:
.............The University has taken many steps to distance itself from its past and its "Confederate" image. This has, of course, alienated some fans and alumni. On the other hand, these changes have hardly mattered to those--quoted in the story--who believe Ole Miss is not doing nearly enough to move away from its past.
Yepper.....we alienate and in some cases lose long time loyal Ole Miss people to placate people who will never be satisfied in their quest to sanitize us to fit their agenda and image of what a university should be. Many of those people never attended Ole Miss but they self appoint themselves to sit in judgement. They demand sacrifices to show contrition and reform on our part but are never satisfied. They isolate and attack 1 target at a time and once we cave to them they simply move to the next target that offends them....and there is a never ending list of offensive, in their mind, targets.
Once you negotiate and show willingness to compromise they smell the blood in the water and go for the next target.
Reporters go back to the same Ole Miss stories that they've been telling for 50 years..
Oh some racists in Virginia... Let's talk about Ole Miss... Oh some white guy killed a black guy in Missouri... Let's go back to Ole Miss... We could change everything to PCU and have 100% foreign students and the media would still label Ole Miss racist.
Last edited by SCrebel (11/16/2017 8:46 pm)