Hopefully this isn't as bas as it looks.
Last edited by Ellisvillereb (1/17/2023 2:00 pm)
Sounds pretty bad...
"Chief Myers said that the incident began in Laurel, Mississippi, and ended in Ridgeland when the victim was able to contact Ridgeland PD, who told officers he was kidnapped “against his will,” and was “forced to withdraw money” at the bank."
Hoping this isn't true.
I have a feeling that there is a WHOLE LOT more to that story and it isn't anything like what it appears to be on the surface. That story makes zero sense.
Keep in mind that newspapers write stories to get you to come back. They also write from the side of law enforcement. Unfortunately I have seen so much false narratives put out by newspapers-media and it’s narrative the police want out there. When facts change, you don’t see headlines retracting or correcting the original story/stories.
I have zero info in Jerrell’s situation here, but it sure seems out of character from what I know about him and even things I had heard of him doing a couple of years ago.
So I always ask people to withhold judgment in these type situations. More info will come out over time. Keep in mind of the facts that the info you are getting is from the police/DA and they all have narratives/reasons why they talk to the media.
Just wait.
If he is guilty of those things he will get what he deserves.
But I hope OM fans take all the things above into consideration before judging him.
Yep, absolutely. It would certainly go against everything we know, publicly, about Jerrell. Could very well be completely B.S. The story isn't about him having someone locked up in a basement. He could be guilty, might not be.