Once again Rebel fans are Biancoed in baseball. The Diamond Rebels fall from a top-rated start with a #1 rating to being a bottom feeder in the SEC. The only good thing that can come out of this season is the resignation or firing of Bianco which could lead to a fresh start in Ole Miss baseball.
I just don’t see it happening. Not many people would step down from a position like that unless you are ready to retire. I don’t think bianco is. I don’t think it’s in our DNA to fire a coach after so much “winning”. Especially when you look at what has happened since we fired AK in basketball. It’s a typical WAOM moment.
Unfortunately, you are most likely right. Bianco will probably end up with an extension and a raise!!!
For what? Squeaking into the SEC Tournament.
WE had another epic failure yesterday on pitching decisions. That is simply what Bianco does best, make bad decisions...