Miss. State beat Vanderbilt 9-0 to win the CWS. The Bulldogs only allowed the Commodores one hit in the final game. Miss. State team played well, was focused, and disciplined in their victory. They showed an example of what a good coach can do for a sports team.
From my point of view over the past few years, it seems like MSU is more devoted to winning at any cost. And here we are.
Bianco vs. Moo U in baseball since 2016
Maybe MSU's title will wake up Bianco and the Administration....
I think its all about money and sold out games to the administration. People are going to have to just stop going to make a change is what its looking like. And i don't really see that happening, half the people that go are there to socialize.
MeridianOMRebel wrote:
Maybe MSU's title will wake up Bianco and the Administration....
A lot of folks are saying that, but I've not seen any evidence of it from Keith or others in the athletic administration.