This young lady was shot in my hometown of Marshall, TX by a evil guy for no apparent reason. She was delivering the local paper and was going above and beyond by getting outside of her car and putting the paper under a half opened garage door so the customer ( a senior) wouldn't have to get out in the weather and also the paper would not get destroyed by the weather.
The guy basically shot her from behind for no reason. People know these newspaper carriers do not carry money. He was just going to kill her to kill. He shot many other shots to make sure he took her out.
She crawled to the car and the rest of the story is in the article.
Not only is she a newspaper delivery person, a very low income job, but she has 2 other jobs that she works full time ( one is asst manager of a convenient store that we all know is not making a ton of money) that she will miss no telling how much time trying to recover. Her husband is also a newspaper delivery driver and when you add it up, they are going to be in a deep amount of financial peril ongoing forward with her having zero income and him (the husband) helping take care of her and him missing work, etc
Here is the story from the paper of the shooting from the day before
This is the link to the go fund me set up by someone close to the situation that will make sure the money is correctly issued. Every little bit matters. If you can't donate, please share on your social media sites.
Thanks, I do not know her and family, but my niece worked with her at a time at the convenient store. Just a hard working person in a bad situation through no fault of her on.
Oh wow, that's horrible. I'll never understand what can posses one person to decide that they are gonna try to kill an innocent person. There's a special place in hell for people like that.
A random shooting like this is horrible and we will keep Valarie Grubb in our thoughts and prayers. You have to wonder why this perp randomly shot this woman. Most likely the incident will not get much publicity since she was white and it won't be considered a hate crime, even though he was Hispanic.
There are some sick people in this world, and the shooter is one of them.