Saturday my body felt like it was numb and vibrating. Pushed through it because I just figured I was tired due to no sleep The previous night. Sunday it was much of the same, still wasn’t sleeping well but by Sunday night I spiked a 102 fever. Started taking some NyQuil Mucinex and felt better but the fever persisted. Woke up about every hour and by this time I was just exhausted. By Monday morning I finally sweat off the fever for the most part. Felt like I had a ton of bricks I was caring around with me. Went to bed around 830 last night woke up around 10, took another shot of NyQuil and slept all the way till about 630.
Hoping I don’t lose my taste and smell but at this point still just mild symptoms. My daughter had it over Christmas. We drove to Myrtle Beach and she never looked quite right but Christmas morning she looked horrible. No fever no cough she just looked flushed. The Sunday after Christmas I went out for ice cream and she couldn’t taste it or smell anything so we pretty much knew she had it. We got her tested she tested positive we got her sister tested since they spent the most time together and she was negative.
It’s crazy how this thing spreads. We were basically in the car with a active Covid patient for almost 18 hours in a condo for about four days. How did the seven people that were with us she’s the only one that ever came down with it.
I work from home so I don’t go out much. Only place I’ve been in the last week where I sat around for any period of time was I gave blood Thursday, mainly because giving blood they do a mandatory antibody screening and I wanted to verify if I had it or not. That’s the only place I can think of but I thought it was going to be safe because the blood drive bus I was on claimed to have a air purification system.
Almost every house around me one or all of the people in the house has come down with it. All mild symptoms and we’re over it after a few days. About half the folks that I know lost their taste and smell.
My uncle came down with it about three months ago. He was the trifecta of those who you don’t want to get it. Over 65, 350 pounds, diabetic and other health related issues. He had symptoms for three days that were very mild it was totally fine after. My brother is about 60, about 260 pounds and the onlyIssue he had when he came down with it was he passed out On the way to the doctor but later found that he has a developing case of diabetes and not being able to eat for a day or two made him weak.
At this point, even though I have been very cautious, I’ve never been afraid of this thing. I’ve known a few people that have gotten it and have passed away and they all had underlying health issues. But I also know a 75-year-old came down with it who is also A cancer patient who just had a mild case of it for three days. It’s just crazy how this thing spreads or does it, how to affects one person pretty harshly and the next person hardly at all.
I honestly think I had it at least two other times but based on the antibody tests they were all negative. But since this thing is so odd and how it spreads and how it affects people, the more I read and the more we find out, the more I truly believe this was a man-made experiment that accidentally or on purpose got out into the public. I hate to be a conspiracy theorist but I think there may be another wave a year or two from now that we have to deal with because of side effects.
Anyway, just sitting here getting better, catching up on some TV and YouTube channels that I find interesting and never have time to watch. Probably going to be a week or so before I regain endurance. I’ll be fine, I pray Bro those who had to deal with this all those who May get it in the future.
I’ve been taking zinc and a multivitamin of the vitamin a D vitamin pretty much for months. I think this is the reason why I haven’t come down with it earlier because I was exposed but my body was able to fight it off before. That’s why I didn’t have any antibodies but I did feel crummy for about a day or two. Stay safe everyone
Last edited by Themob (1/26/2021 11:49 am)
Prayers to you brother. Get my second dose of vaccine tonight. The range of symptoms and severity of this is just unbelievable.
Hope you bounce back quickly! The scary part is how it has mutated and the newest strain infects children easier.
Themob wrote:
But since this thing is so odd and how it spreads and how it affects people, the more I read and the more we find out, the more I truly believe this was a man-made experiment that accidentally or on purpose got out into the public. I hate to be a conspiracy theorist but I think there may be another wave a year or two from now that we have to deal with because of side effects.
Good luck with recovery. You will be in our thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated on your health status.
The effects of the virus can be very devastating or minuscule and who knows the true long term affects. We do not want to get it and are currently waiting on the vaccine.
Most likely the virus was created in a lab with gain of function experiments and spread to the world either intentionally or accidentally. Regardless, we will have to adjust our lifestyles to include the Corona-19 virus
Sitting here watching a series called “Americas hidden stories”. Somewhat fascinating. So far I watched episodes on the Salem witch trials,, potential assassination of Jefferson Davis and now history of the Spanish flue. This one is vary interesting. Mainly because they suggested that Woodrow Wilson purposely kept from reporting the affects of the flue to the nation because he needed men to fight in the wars and work to produce what was needed in battle.
Imagine what would have happened if that was done today. Well we know what would happen. Just as it was with Wilson, ab Uber progressive, he was celebrated over manufactured wins and never held accountable for his actions.
Well, I’m at day four , Been fever free basically for two days I guess. Ran a fever Sunday night and Monday morning. I had a fever of 100 for just a short time Monday night but I haven’t had one cents. My heart rate has been about 100 BPM for the last four or so days. I slept pretty good 2 nights ago, last night was not as good but adequate.
I’m not having trouble breathing and I have a pulse ox that shows that my oxygen count has been around 95 to 97 which is good.
Just putting this here just to potentially track my symptoms so if anyone else has it they would know some sort of baseline of what to expect. I’ve been trying to look online for a timeline of symptoms and average impact but the media doesn’t really seem to want to provide that context to help people it seems. I found some random timelines but nothing overly great and intuitive. However I know this thing affects people so differently so the timeline of symptoms will vary widely.
Now I’m going to try to start pushing myself a little bit because a lot of times when you become so tired and lethargic, do you have a tendency to veg out and it only compounds the issue of being active. I’m going to try to do a little work today get up and move around, shave this horrible looking 60 beard and attempt to regain the world of the living..
The problem is I have in-laws that moved in in November after moving back from out of state and they’re staying with us for about eight months till their house gets built. So I get seven people living in the house it makes it hard to keep everyone separated. My youngest daughter already had it so she should be fine, but everyone else we’re trying to keep from getting sick
Anyway, Sorry for the constant updates and commentary but I just wanted to put this down so if anyone else runs into the same issues they will have a little context. I have found very few constructive things on the Internet which I think has led to all the miss information distressed and complacency. Stay safe folks
Glad you're recovering well. When my stepson got the 'rona, it took him about a month to fully feel normal (and regain his sense of taste). His gf also got it, and she recovered much quicker (even though she's not anywhere in as good shape as he's in). Such a weird virus in his it effects everyone so differently.
Mob, we appreciate your information and encourage you to make this thread a running journal on how you feel, your current symptoms, what you are doing, etc. Providing information about initial symptoms to diagnosis and daily wellness would be invaluable information. We hope you feel better!!!
So my heart rate finally starting to come down a bit. Was between 110-120 most of the time, the last few hours it dropped to around 90. I don’t drink coffee and I try to stay away from cokes over the last few years so I found a crystal light caffeinated water but I normally drink in the morning. I’ve been drinking those a lot the last couple days just so I can ensure what I drink as taste to it but also because I was so tired I was hoping the caffeine will help me push through. Seems now the caffeine as with Marvin potentially keeping my heart rate elevated. Been drinking water and sugar-free Gatorade and it is either coincidence or the direct cause because I am running lower now.
Been walking a fine line between ensuring I pay attention to what my body tells me but not getting overly sensitive. Sometimes you can make yourself feel like something is there when it’s not ;)
Last edited by Themob (1/27/2021 2:07 pm)
So Saturday was my first day feeling bad, today is the first day I can say I am feeling better. Chest is a little heavy. I did some wash and after switching the load I was pretty winded.
Hopefully will see some progress tomorrow as well. Basically it felt in general like the flu. My biggest issue was the odd body aches and numbness. It’s cold outside but sunny. Wish I could get some fresh air but I am too cold.
I want a cheeseburger. Lost about 5 LBs in the last 2 days.