Sooper_Rebel wrote:
UMGoon wrote:
Hate Ross Bjork more. He's the gutless wonder who instigated the debacle that was Matt Luke.
In the end, Bjork was much worse than even Boone. He was an asshat and is a very lazy AD.
That NEZ debacle still pisses me off. VHS really is an eyesore. Bjork sold everyone on building the same setup as the SEZ, but then stuck metal bleachers out there. VHS doesn't have any matching sides to it at all.
Yep, when these Ole Miss heads start messing with the donors money and don't deliver, then the donors either quit or are hesitant to give. This is like the switcharoo that Kayak did by using athletic money for the new law school. After the Khayak debacle, there were many people who quit donating because their money did not get used as they intended it to be used. This year there are lots of long time and big givers who are not giving. Allegedly there is one donor withholding millions due to the political climate at Ole Miss.