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7/19/2020 5:35 am  #1

Pac-12 players threatening season boycott if demands aren't met

Pac-12 players threatening to boycott season if list of demands aren't met for 2020

Former Arizona State quarterback Rudy Carpenter, now a podcast and radio host, spoke out on Twitter about some Pac-12 players who are planning to boycott the 2020 season if a list of demands aren’t met.

I’ve embedded Carpenter’s tweets below, but the main demands are revenue sharing and better COVID-19 testing and protocols.

  Rudy Carpenter[/url][url=https://twitter.com/rudygcarp12?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1284201711670751232%7Ctwgr%5E&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.saturdaydownsouth.com%2Fsec-football%2Fpac-12-players-boycott-2020%2F]@rudygcarp12
Thread- Pac 12 football players have created a list of “demands” 4 the @pac12/Universities 2 take into consideration, if the demands aren’t addressed/complied w/ the players R threatening to sit out the season..There is significant support growing among ALL 12 teams with 50 or
3:02 PM · Jul 17, 2020 
Rudy Carpenter[/url][url=https://twitter.com/rudygcarp12?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1284202920079060997%7Ctwgr%5E&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.saturdaydownsouth.com%2Fsec-football%2Fpac-12-players-boycott-2020%2F]@rudygcarp12·
Jul 17, 2020Replying to @rudygcarp12
More players on many of teams in support of this action/demands list..The initial idea was 2 create a players union, they decided time didn’t allow 4 this & figure the best way to create the change they want is 2 “boycott” the season. Things they r asking 4 is 50/50 rev share,
 Rudy Carpenter[/url][url=https://twitter.com/rudygcarp12?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1284202920079060997%7Ctwgr%5E&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.saturdaydownsouth.com%2Fsec-football%2Fpac-12-players-boycott-2020%2F]@rudygcarp12
6 yrs insurance upon graduation, better Covid-19 testing & protcols etc etc...The player led group is being spearheaded at @CalFootball & they have been holding phone calls with other Pac12 teams..There is some kinda of players only meeting/vote that will be taking place shortly.
3:06 PM · Jul 17, 2020 

In the tweets, Carpenter said that the Cal Bears are leading and organizing the charge, and apparently the players will hold a vote soon on the matter.

The Pac-12 has already announced it will play a conference-only schedule this fall, along with the Big Ten. The SEC, ACC and Big 12 are hanging tough and haven’t changed their schedules yet due to COVID-19.

Players apparently feel they have leverage in this situation due to the strong desire for conferences to play games to earn revenue in 2020.

SOURCE: Cooper, Joe. "Pac-12 players threatening to boycott season if list of demands aren't met for 2020." Saturday Down South, 18 July 2020, https://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/sec-football/pac-12-players-boycott-

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7/19/2020 5:42 am  #2

Re: Pac-12 players threatening season boycott if demands aren't met

Here we go now with the players making demands.  As for compensation, these players are getting a free education which is worth $100k+ and have the opportunity to either go pro and make lots of money or get a good job because of their connections and education.  In addition they are getting and do not have to pay for meals, tutors, nutritionalis, strength training, healthecare, travel, and other perks.  Maybe someone needs to calculate these expenses and give the players a statement so if they get a check, they will have to cover these expenses.

Years ago this would not be tolerated and coaches would kick the trouble causing players off the team.  Now there goes their chance to become pro athletes, get a good education, or have a financially successful career.  The problem is you give and they want more.  If these players do not like the way that college football operates, then they simply should not play the game.  College football has been and is being ruined by the greed of money.

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7/20/2020 9:36 pm  #3

Re: Pac-12 players threatening season boycott if demands aren't met

Let  them sit out, go away.   See them in 5 year or less on the court dockets


7/21/2020 7:59 am  #4

Re: Pac-12 players threatening season boycott if demands aren't met

Here is an idea:  pay them 100k and give them insurance but stop covering the tuition, dorm, food, etc and make them pay for all of that out of their pay.  See how fast they cry for the old way to return.


7/21/2020 8:14 am  #5

Re: Pac-12 players threatening season boycott if demands aren't met

olemissjcj wrote:

Here is an idea:  pay them 100k and give them insurance but stop covering the tuition, dorm, food, etc and make them pay for all of that out of their pay.  See how fast they cry for the old way to return.

Not a bad idea at all. Break it into installment payments throughout the year that would just be equivalent to what they currently have covered - I think most would be very surprised to see how much the universities pay for them already.

I suspect a good number would blow through that money and end up having to take out student loans that they'll be paying on for a very long while.


7/21/2020 11:22 am  #6

Re: Pac-12 players threatening season boycott if demands aren't met

olemissjcj wrote:

Here is an idea: pay them 100k and give them insurance but stop covering the tuition, dorm, food, etc and make them pay for all of that out of their pay. See how fast they cry for the old way to return.

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