knowing that everyone in New York California and Chicago are now accepting Mississippi as equal. We are politically correct at last, Lawd Lawd!
Great to have that racist symbol no longer representing this state.
MS now ha the coveted respect of MY CA IL MI and other fine states. They're something you can aspire to now.
The flag of the army of North Virginia was adopted after the civil war (weirdly - not even legally). What do you suppose that flag represented? Here's a hint - Mississippi stated one very specific reason for succeeding from the US. Can you name that one reason?
MeridianOMRebel wrote:
The flag of the army of North Virginia was adopted after the civil war (weirdly - not even legally). What do you suppose that flag represented? Here's a hint - Mississippi stated one very specific reason for succeeding from the US. Can you name that one reason?
It's clearly stated in the second paragraph of Mississippi's Declaration of Secession (linked below):
Blacks were sold in Africa by their brothers. They came to America and got off the food chain back there. In America they represented an asset to the planter as, unfortunately, John Deere hadn't been born. Any good business man values an asset which slaves were. They received medical attention, nutrition, clothes, introduction to Christianity and the marriage and family concept, which has been losing ground ever since 1865. If my ancestors came from Africa back then, I would kiss the foot of every slave owning statue in GRATITUDE, something unfamiliar to many today.
Deflect all you want. The fact is that MS embraced that flag because of slavery - period. MS said so themselves. You may not like that's a fact, but it is a fact. Clinging to that symbol...well, that's an issue that you won't be answering to me for.
I didn't embrace it because of slavery. I embraced it because i love Mississippi. Not one time in my life on this earth have i looked at it that way. But im a Republican , the party of Lincoln. And I don't appreciate being painted a racist.
I didn't equate it with slavery but others with an agenda may.
We can argue 24/7 about whether slavery was good or bad for the Blacks subjected to it in the South. I've heard arguments both ways for years. What is not debatable, however, is that Mississippi seceded from the Union because of fear that remaining there would end their system of slavery. That is clearly stated in Mississippi's Declaration of Secession.