I feel much better now.
The first video, 15 second mark, dude carrying the big red sign, looks like it says "FUCK YOUR HERITAGE". Now that's a real inspirational message.
Last edited by drandallreb (6/28/2020 11:08 am)
It has never been about anything but politics and ideology. Across this nation we have seen an massive wave of old whites people getting assaulted and others getting their teeth kicked in. Amazing how selective certain lives matter
drandallreb wrote:
The first video, 15 second mark, dude carrying the big red sign, looks like it says "FUCK YOUR HERITAGE". Now that's a real inspirational message.
This person is a prime example of someone who would probably cause you harm. Most likely he is full of hate, anger, and animosity. He feels like he is owed and is a taker without being a giver. Now does his message seem like he wants his heritage respected but does not care about yours? This punk should be happy for his heritage because he could be in Africa running from wild animals, hiding from groups of killers, fighting disease, and being a victim of famine. It is amazing that a small percentage of the population is able to dictate policy to the majority of the population. No one makes a big deal when someone that is not black is killed by police. Actually all lives matter.
evil people's lives don't matter to me.
It wouldn't surprise me one bit to see these "people" causing trouble at the games this season. If there is one , which i seriously doubt.
MS has forgotten Neville Chamberlain. Spinless amoral snowflakes!