He just put the ol "override" on the conservative speaker cancellation by the let wing school of propaganda (aka journalism) Im sure that wont quiet the naysayers but tough tittie.
well, depends on the who the naysayers are. I am not a fan one bit of how we was slid into power. However, I am not opposed to him trying to push back on the cancel culture of the left. The media and the intolerant left has basically shut down the freedom of expression that does not align with their agenda. The problem with the right, most don't know how to combat this issue without making themselves look unhinged. The media will cherry pick what is said and how it is reported.
I will say, there are a number of very militant progressive staff and just like many other schools, the right leaning professors are to afraid to say anything because all it takes is for a hint of conservative activism before the liberal masses start demanding their resignation. But if you are a liberal activist professor, you are sheltered and protected from any of their comments. Just this past year I think there was a progressive professor at OM that made some very hateful and incendiary comments which made national news place like fox, but was roundly protected by his peers. Long story short, It will be interesting how Boyce handles the heat. Will he stomp his fist or will he constructively explain his policy?
Themob wrote:
well, depends on the who the naysayers are. I am not a fan one bit of how we was slid into power. However, I am not opposed to him trying to push back on the cancel culture of the left. The media and the intolerant left has basically shut down the freedom of expression that does not align with their agenda. The problem with the right, most don't know how to combat this issue without making themselves look unhinged. The media will cherry pick what is said and how it is reported.
I will say, there are a number of very militant progressive staff and just like many other schools, the right leaning professors are to afraid to say anything because all it takes is for a hint of conservative activism before the liberal masses start demanding their resignation. But if you are a liberal activist professor, you are sheltered and protected from any of their comments. Just this past year I think there was a progressive professor at OM that made some very hateful and incendiary comments which made national news place like fox, but was roundly protected by his peers. Long story short, It will be interesting how Boyce handles the heat. Will he stomp his fist or will he constructively explain his policy?
I get that the way that he was hired was weird and not exactly the best way. That being said, the conglomerate of liberal left-leaning candidates was deep. There was not one person of the final candidates that would have been good for Ole Miss. We would have been in for all of the focus on the old south, moving statues, changing names, etc instead of moving forward to making our school a great university. I feel that Boyce was a hell of a lot better end result than years of being told how racist our past is by some carpet-bagger new liberal chancellor.
Our past leadership has been very concerned what New Yorkers think about Ole Miss. Was too much lying awake at night worrying about someone else perception than having enough sense to know what is CORRECT. (not pc)