Alabama fans can be criminal. (Auburn tree burning, Krystal rubbing event, and now LSU bomb threat.) Just imagine what's going to happen when the NCAA starts to lose its power (California pay college athletes law, or FBI investigations), or when Alabama football starts to lose when Saban retires. Guard the Grove!
A sure fire way for Boyce to get in the good graces of the masses would be to publicly ask why bama/LSU/au have not been condemned publicly for their toxic behavior. And that a request for a meeting at the sec hq is required just like the dog and pony pissing contest the sec displayed with us.
Screw he sec
Last edited by Themob (10/18/2019 4:31 pm)
It's ALL about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and we can take it or leave it.