Ole Miss Rebels Sports

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9/01/2019 8:03 pm  #1

Mississippi Governor Race

Anyone have any thoughts? I was disappointed Reeves beat Waller in the runoff (not surprises at all - but still disappointed) I’m just not a Reeves fan - to me he’s a model of an ineffective politician - but I don’t know that Hood is a great choice either.


9/03/2019 6:02 am  #2

Re: Mississippi Governor Race

OneStopReb wrote:

Anyone have any thoughts? I was disappointed Reeves beat Waller in the runoff (not surprises at all - but still disappointed) I’m just not a Reeves fan - to me he’s a model of an ineffective politician - but I don’t know that Hood is a great choice either.

Considering there were documented issues with voting machines, I can't help but wonder how many votes he got that he shouldn't have? I won't be voting for Tate.


9/04/2019 3:34 pm  #3


9/04/2019 4:53 pm  #4

Re: Mississippi Governor Race

The building of this road is typical political influencing at its best.  This would be a reason to vote against him since he is putting his personal gains (a nice new road from his subdivision to a shopping mecca) in front of the needs of the people of Mississippi (repairs needed to deteriorating roads and bridges throughout the state).

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10/03/2019 11:26 am  #5

Re: Mississippi Governor Race

I'm pretty sure I'll be voting for Hood. No way can I vote for Taint.


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