I have always had rescue dogs. My oldest one was 17 years old. I had been watching him declining in health for awhile now. My wife and I have been discussing it for months, and I gotta say - that trip to the vet and digging his grave was one of the hardest things I've done. This little guy was a trooper and has helped to house train all of my other dogs, and damn, I miss the little guy. Not I know it was the right thing to do. It would have been incredibly selfish to try to keep him around longer - I know he was hurting. But it still sucks. Not sure why I'm posting this, guess I just wanted to share. I know I'll see him again, just a really long time to be with the guy and saying goodbye was so hard. I'm thankful he went peacefully at the vet. I asked the vet to give him a sedative before the final shot. That last shot took maybe 1 minute before he passed. Was a hard day for me and my wife and son. Run free Teddy - see ya again one of these days buddy...
Last edited by MeridianOMRebel (8/16/2019 4:37 pm)
We are so sorry for your loss. It is a very hard and difficult decision to put a pet down, but in the end, it is probably the best thing for their quality of life. About 10 years ago we had to put a 16 year old basset down. It was definitely one of the hardest things in life that I have every done. She was our baby, but was suffering and hanging on for us. Fortunately the vet came to our house to make a house call and Pokie passed away peacefully on our bed and in my arms. Wow, I can almost cry now thinking about it!!! Putting the dog down was hard at the time, but the week after was very difficult. There were several nights when my Wife and I just bawled because we missed her. I can feel your loss and you will be in our thoughts and prayers.
So sorry Meridian. That is brutal to have to do. But you gave your dog a great life and your dog loved you for it.
We had an old pound pup I had to put down about 12 years ago and I still miss that dog to this day. Now I have a 12 year old lab and I know his time is closing in and it kills me to even think about it.
I saw a shirt that made me chuckle the other day. It said, "I love dogs. I tolerate people." And that's about the truth of it.