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7/23/2019 8:21 pm  #1

Woman Gets Pregnant After Sleeping at Hotel With Dirty Sheets

A woman in Florida says she got pregnant on a business trip to Boston last month, claiming that the hotel never changed the sheets on the bed, and there must have been “ejaculate” on them.

Penny Simon, 28, traveled to Boston for a sales convention, and said that the Hilton she stayed at was “super dirty,” and even though she complained, she thinks they didn’t change the sheets on her bed, and that semen left in the bed from a previous visitor got her pregnant.

“It’s crazy, really, and I feel so bad for her,” said Chris Simon, 29, Penny’s husband. “She’s very conflicted. We’re not an abortion household, but at the same time, the baby isn’t mine, and she’s saying she doesn’t know what to do. I really don’t want to raise another man’s child, but we’ve been trying for 4 years to get pregnant, and she hasn’t been able to. I will raise this baby as my own if that’s what God wants. I just hope the hotel knows that we are suing them for mental anguish. This is disgusting!”

Empire News spoke to Mary Rogers, who works the front desk at the Hilton in Boston where Penny stayed.

“The rooms are very clean, and this hotel was only a week old at the time the guest you mentioned stayed,” said Rogers. “No one had ever been in that room before. Although I was on staff the two nights Ms. Simon stayed here, and watched her bring up at least 3 different men from the hotel bar over the course of 4 hours, so if I had to guess how she got pregnant, I think that answers it.”

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7/23/2019 9:18 pm  #2

Re: Woman Gets Pregnant After Sleeping at Hotel With Dirty Sheets

I figure all of the decent hotels and maybe some indecent have security cameras from an insurance standpoint if nothing elsie.


7/24/2019 8:16 am  #3

Re: Woman Gets Pregnant After Sleeping at Hotel With Dirty Sheets

Man, that husband is an idiot if he actually believed that mess.


7/24/2019 11:02 am  #4

Re: Woman Gets Pregnant After Sleeping at Hotel With Dirty Sheets

maybe we better see a picture of her before we throw the idiot rag at him;<) Better yet, her bank acct;<)

Last edited by zreb (7/24/2019 11:03 am)


7/25/2019 1:40 pm  #5

Re: Woman Gets Pregnant After Sleeping at Hotel With Dirty Sheets

catfishboy wrote:

“The rooms are very clean, and this hotel was only a week old at the time the guest you mentioned stayed,” said Rogers. “No one had ever been in that room before. Although I was on staff the two nights Ms. Simon stayed here, and watched her bring up at least 3 different men from the hotel bar over the course of 4 hours, so if I had to guess how she got pregnant, I think that answers it.”

She screwed 3 men in 4 hours? She must have been pent up.

"We can either have a free society, or we can have a biomedical security state." - Ron DeSantis

8/22/2019 2:19 pm  #6

Re: Woman Gets Pregnant After Sleeping at Hotel With Dirty Sheets

I think she successfully identified the problem on not being able to get pregnant with her husband.


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