That The media is a collective piece of shit I don’t know what else would change your mind. Between the BuzzFeed hit job about trump and “business dealings” that even the mueller investigation Pooh pooh’d to the catholic kid being assaultted by a grown as man at a right to life rally who was doxxed and getting death threats from the entire liberal world.
No one is perfect, there is hate and destructive tendencies that I can point to from all walks of life. However the media drives a complete biased account of almost all the news and slams it to the very far progressive left. When will people stop giving these media outlets any credibility and when will they completely shut them down by not giving them the clicks the subscriptions or the time a day on TV? If our society is to move forward collectively and constructively it Hass to start with the news and media who is supposed to be the guardian the truth. But the last 40 years they have been the manufacturer of narrative and ideological driven news. BothSides are guilty, but they left controls over 75% of the media and is engaged in hyper political narrative’s on a daily basis
There will never be a "middle" in this country ever again. The media has driven everyone to either the far left or far right. The constant onslaught of attacks against the right is absolutely unreal - it's become the popular thing to do. And this is when this nation will sadly start to fall. We have the "everyone gets a trophy" kids growing up wanting to know where their trophy is, and demanding to be given everything. They live in their own reality and think feelings are what matters the most (that's how they were raised).
When a media lie that was propped up so vigorously by the masses become impossible to defend, the media does. It retract it, they change the subject. My local Nashville paper ran with the “bigoted maga kid” narrative for a week. This was not a national story but any means to attack trump or anyone on the right as racists, it will be a national effort.
When it could no longer be levied and they were being called out, they have now tried to change the subject towards a stupid email one of the local party officials sent making fun of the wackjob congresswoman up in New York and turned that into the new example of racism.
Their hope is that you wil ignore their bias and their lies with this new shiny object that might stick this time. Ignorance complete ignorance. But we continue to fund it. We click on their news links. We watch their tv programming. We overlook the hate they breed through Hollywood by funding them with buying dvds, music and movie tickets.
I just want things to get back to how they once where. If you had a different opinion, you allowed the personal freedoms to disagree. But now progressive fascism is no longer creeping, if is in full blown avalanche mode.
It's a full on mob mentality with the media in their need to attack and ignore their own hypocrisy. This country is doomed - no way can things recover at this point.