If so, be sure to be on the lookout for Antifa out there.
I wonder if they'll find an excuse to protest OM.
Speaking of CA, it's weird seeing UCLA play at Memphis this weekend.
I'm betting they don't make the return trip in 2019.
Bay area story;
In 1968, my wife of one year and I drove across the country for my training to go overseas to Vietnam. I trained in Alameda and the marine base, Camp Pendelton, in San Diego. We had a 1967 Pontiac convertible with Maryland tags front and back, The car had been my father's before I bought it from him. He was a proud veteran of WW II. The tags on the car began with VFW.
In the Bay Area, my wife and I drove over the Oakland Bay bridge to San Francisco, then the Golden Gate into the northern California area toward the University. There was a hitchhiker thumbing on that stretch, We slowed to, maybe give him a ride, but he turned his back and refused to ride with a war monger.
We thought it was amusing.
It's been going on out there for a long time.
Last edited by academy reb (9/15/2017 9:07 pm)