Well....the little leftists that are apparently running what used to be Ole Miss are trying to drag the horse to the trough.....and FORCE them to drink the left's koolaid.
I went through this type of training many years ago in the military....they brought us in and basically pronounced us guilty of being racists.....then we had to sit there and be browbeaten for several days......
All it did was piss off people for being falsely accused and pronounced guilty without did much more harm than good by engendering a strong resentment in those falsely accused..... These damned liberals never learn but continue to force their beliefs down the throats of everyone.....even if you agree with them if you are of a certain 'group' you are now assumed guilty and must be re-educated through sensitivity or some other BS type training.....
Click for the DM article on the latest PC force feeding on campus.
Last edited by Johnny Yuma (10/03/2018 12:39 pm)
The whole ordeal with Ed Meek has been blown out of proportion and shows that
freedom of speech is not actually free. The race card is the easiest to pull and it
seems that minorities continue to use it to the advantage.
Even though EVERYONE in the US enjoys freedoms and liberties not seen in
other parts of the world, certain people will continue to say they are oppressed
and no matter what they are given, they will never be satisfied.
It is shaming on Ole Miss to suppress Ed Meek, who spent most of his life
doing things to better Ole Miss. One thing for sure is that if Ole Miss is going to
rename the building that honored Meek and continue to run him in the ground,
they need to refund the $5.9M that Meek gave to Ole Miss.
The people in the background mostly look angry. Most everyone in the world today seems to be unhappy, angry, over sensitive people. What happened to people being happy and gay, uh, well at least happy!!!
Conservative people are happier people imho. Liberals seem more concerned with "other peoples business" than they possibly should be. Cleaning up your own miserable yard first might help this folks;<)
Funny how the same outraged masses who crapped themselves about meek but I have not seen one damned comment about this
Themob wrote:
Funny how the same outraged masses who crapped themselves about meek but I have not seen one damned comment about this
And someone needs to investigate just how wide spread this left wing ideology has spread into the schools.... Here you have a teacher instilling pure hate into students.... Great he was suspended....but I strongly suspect he's not alone and that this disease is infecting society at a very dangerous level.... Nothing worse than indoctrinating young minds who are a captive audience.... That is brainwashing by any other name.
the truth will set you free. I honestly believe everyone is yelling at each other so loudly, that we can not communicate. The right has it's issues, but i believe in my heart of hearts that the left is moving so far left that they have lost any grasp of reality. Again, is the right 100% pure as the wind driven snow? nope, huge issues over on the right as well which is why a healthy level of opposition is needed and required. However, there is no reasonable opposition today.