We currently have 18 "Seniors" on the team. I guess not all of them are on scholarship. We are supposed to be down to 72 for a couple of years, I think (85-13, "more than 15% reduction").
Does anyone know how many we have available and how many we can give this year? How long do we have to stay at 72?
I believe we are at 79 scholarships this year and 81 next year. The full 13 is not imposed at one time. I have heard we can sign 15-18 this year but that could increase with players transferring out. So if recruiting is good the transfers could actually help us replace some players that aren't helping on the field.
If we have players transfer out, we can fill those spots with JUCO and it would count against those past years (at least I think this is the way it works). That should be our strategy.
This is from the NCAA Document.
" 4. Scholarship reductions: Mississippi has reduced, and shall reduce, football grants-in-aid by greater than 15% as outlined below: Academic year 2015-16: Overall reduction: 1; Initial reduction: 0 Academic year 2016-17: Overall reduction: 2; Initial reduction: 3 Academic year 2017-18: Overall reduction: 6; Initial reduction: 4 Academic year 2018-19: Overall reduction: 4; Initial reduction: 3 Totals: 13 grants overall, 10 initial grants. (Self-imposed.) "
I assume that Overall means reductions to total on scholarship each academic year. If we have 79 this year we can only end up next with 73 (79-6) or does it stay at 79 (85-6)? And does Initial mean a reduction from 25 (the maximum) you can give each year regardless of you total on scholarship?
Maybe I'm in the weeds on this by reading too much into it.
Academy, I have been confused on this too. I think it works like this: overall reduction is the number of scholarships we must be down from the overall count (85) during that year. The initial reduction is the number of scholarships below the annual max (25) we must also be down that year. They totals are not cumulative.