I've been thinking on all the current NCAA mess and our seeming inability or unwillingness to fight back. At the same time State 'Kollage' groups seem to be full frontal assault mode against us.....
We should have thrown the NCAA off campus after the first year but we elected for 'exemplary cooperation' instead of fighting like we have a backbone and that our very existence depended on it. IMO 'exemplary cooperation' is nothing more than a form of BOHICA. The prevailing logic seems to be that we don't want to piss them off because we can't fight city hall. But it has been my experience that you had BETTER fight city hall or else be prepared to accept whatever they want to dish out because once you signal that you are unwilling to defend yourself you elicit the inner bully in the bureaucrats and they revel in thumping their chest and showing how tough they are just as any bully does......again BOHICA.
As much as I detest State I have to hand it to them in that they circle the wagons and fight together. When the ban on cowbells occurred they simply refused to stop and in fact, if anything, even more of those damn things appeared. They went to war with the rest of the conference and are still ringing those obnoxious things to this day. We would have caved and thrown our own under the bus in order to curry favor.
There just doesn't seem any fight in us but that's not all that surprising.
Some of us tried to warn that when you lose your willingness to fight for what is yours, in the way of identity, then it comes as no surprise there is just no fight to be had for anything else either. In days of old when a king conquered another country he would cart off the inhabitants and import outsiders. By doing so he watered down any will to fight to defend the nation normally found where an allegiance to an national identity once existed. In other words you'll defend your home but are less willing to fight for something that you have no emotional involvement with. That bled the fight out of the conquered country due to the lack of indigenous people who held a fondness for the culture/nation.
We stood by and watched one symbol after another removed and with each removal a little more of our identity or 'spirit' went with it..... To me it no longer seems like Ole Miss...we've been beaten/watered down to accept whatever others decide our fate to be. We have bent over willingly and gotten rid of the things that made us unique. I don't know many who are willing to fight for 'generic'.....why bother when you struggle to identify with it any longer?
So when the NCAA rolls into town, predictably, the wimps in charge rolled over and became passive. They have become so accustomed to giving in to the demands of the attackers that the natural impulse for them is to genuflect and accept whatever the attacker demands (insert appeasement) instead of fighting back.
The "Rebels" of the Ole Miss that I knew in the past would have resisted but the slow but steady drip, drip, drip and erosion of our 'identity'/history has taken a morbid toll on our willingness to defend ourselves...... We simply have no fight left in us. Many like me have simply lost faith and have stopped trying to fight back as our views are usually discounted and belittled so you withdraw emotionally and for many physically....and with that withdrawal goes the willingness to fight because the former emotional tie is in 'idle' mode. Who, as I said, wants to fight for 'generic?'
The same submission is in play with the 'war' that state has declared on us.... They ATTACK and we retreat.....and that comes from, IMO, our 'repurposing' everything Ole Miss....We have become another Generic U.....people are so tired of the constant attack on our 'personality' that there is no fight left.....
It seems we have adopted a philosophy of the kings of old....if we ignore the 'peasants' because they're just not on our level that they will just go away.....ever heard of pitchforks and torches? We have ignored States' orchestrations to unite at our own peril. State is united and so it's easy for them to turn their collective focus toward who they see as the enemy.....US. Yet we refuse to fight fire with fire. We seem to think acknowledging them is beneath us and that arrogance has contributed to our blind spot as to the danger they pose.
The only thing we seem to 'fight' are our symbols......and anyone who supports them.... Instead of fighting our opponents our chancellor is running around changing plaques trying to appease a group that is NEVER going to be satisfied. He appears, IMO, to be dividing us. It's just my opinion but when one side is forced to make all the moves toward compromise through concessions of what they hold dear then there is no compromise and it generates resentment and that leads to disunity. A disunified people haven't the heart to fight anything else.
The 'fighters' have, for the most part, withdrawn to the sidelines refusing to stand in the breech only to be kicked in the teeth by an administration hell bent on re-writing our history with a makeover that is so vanilla that it without taste. That clears the table for the 'appeasenicks' to cave to every demand that comes down the pike since they don't have to be embarrassed by anyone with a backbone who might dare stand in the breech.
But unfortunately this is not unique to Ole Miss. The same mindset that has attacked our symbols is now at work across the nation. Today I saw articles (see links below) suggesting that Mount Rushmore needs to go because Borglund was a KKK member....and anything he touched must be eviscerated. I also saw where there are movements to remove statues of Teddy Roosevelt and George Washington . This, IMO, amounts to the elimination of national cultural treasures on the alter of what I think of as Marxism because one of the first things Marxists do when they take over a country is to eliminate anything tied to cultural/national pride. Certainly ISIS uses the same tactics of eliminating cultural landmarks that offend them...I see very little difference. Once you descend into mob rule, which is what happened yesterday in North Carolina, you had better put a stop to it because that is nothing more than anarchy. Get a mob together and go attack anything that offends you...that is the breakdown of society.
I think the people of OM have been more than willing to compromise....but at some point the other 'side' needs to realize that if 1 side is always the loser or making all the concessions and they are never allowed to have a win or retain things revered and close to their heart then there are no winners. All that is going to occur is more resentment and deeper division.
At what point does this stop? What will 'they' demand next? That goes for the OM and the nation.
In short.....we're divided much like the nation. A house divided cannot stand.
I know that in most of Alaska, the better part of each year it is bitterly cold. I do not like really cold weather, so I would never chose to live in Alaska, even though much of that state is just simply beautiful. If people are offended , detest very symbol of Olé Miss, why do they chose to come here! I know I'm not making a profound or great case but you can get my idea. We are asked to give up everything we hold dear and get nothing in return except being told, "you need to change".
Very good article Johnny and you are so right. Little by little is the way they are Destroying Our Nation and our University is being changed the same way. People have had Political Correctness forced down their throat for so many years that most don't dare say anything against it rather than cause a fuss or fight they just go with the flow and that is what the other side wants. When it gets to that point You Have Already Lost.
Very solid points Johnny. But, there really seems to be a cultural lack of leadership at Ole Miss when it concerns athletics. Back in '94 when Ole Miss got hammered, we had Gerald Turner as Chancellor and Warner Alfred as AD. In that investigation, Ole Miss fell all over itself to try to help the NCAA. The end result was the NCAA firmly planting their boot in our backside. That should have been a lesson to learn from. Now, fast forward to today, and we saw Vitter wanting to do everything to fully cooperate with the NCAA, completely ignoring what history has taught us. And, we've all seen how that has worked out so far. Even though history says to not cooperate with the NCAA and take a "prove it or get the hell out of here" approach, somehow Vitter was stupid enough to just ignore that.
When it comes to symbols, I am probably in the minority in that I feel that it was okay to remove the flag by any means necessary. Look, I understand this is a sensitive topic - I truly do. At the same time, I cannot ignore how it hurt the University by being something that was continually used against Ole Miss in recruiting. The flag was a symbol that has long been adoptive and used by hate groups, and for minorities, it did represent hate to them. Sit down and speak with one of your black friends about how the sight of that symbol makes them feel. If the goal of our athletic program is to compete for championships, then this symbol had to go.
As far as From Dixie with Love, you can thank our idiot students for that being removed. While I think that it may have eventually found its way out, the students made damn sure to make it a hot button issue and force the Administration to get rid of it. The students were asked to stop by the Administration continually, yet they kept it up. They were asked to stop by the student government, yet they kept it up. They did so fully knowing that the Administration would put an end to the playing of that song, but their own selfish, "look at me!" actions brought the end of that. David Wilson even modified the end of the song to try to get the students to stop, but they wouldn't have any part in it. The students made it an issue and they forced the Administration to put an end to it being played. This was making headlines in the Clarion Ledger and then being picked up by national news and giving Ole Miss a black eye. This is 100% on the students.
I totally disagreed with the Administration on getting rid of Colonel Reb as the mascot. Was it Dan Jones who publicly made the statement that Colonel Reb was a "cartoon plantation owner"? Once the University made that statement, there is no turning back. If the Administration wanted to make a change, then they could have simply updated Colonel Reb. Getting rid of him the way they did, and then forcing a bear mascot on everyone was about as idiotic as it gets. Add to it the timing by the Administration - right at football season. What a dumbass and embarrassment Dan Jones truly was.
Getting back on track, however, I do believe that we must take a "scorched earth" policy. The SEC has never protected us, so why do we give a damn about what happens to other schools. I think it's imperative that the program is as squeaky clean as possible going forward, and we need to snitch on every other school out there over every single thing that we come across. To hell with other schools in the conference. Take every single school down that we possibly can and let's bury this damn conference that has turned its back on us.
Meridian, I agree that the flag probably needed to go. As much as I hated to see it go, I get the reasoning. But I disagree about 'From Dixie with Love.' I was in the band from 95/96 to 98/99 and students and alumni were doing the same chant back then. It was never an issue and never picked up by the media until Chancellor Dan decided to make it one by speaking publicly about it, just as he did with the Colonel. He fed it to the media to make it an issue that he then had to "fix". As many people have mentioned this was just one step in the incremental plan to make Ole Miss a generic/non-offensive university.
In 1997 (around then) Khayat had an outside firm (The Phoenix Group or something like that) do an evaluation of all the symbols of Ole Miss. It was rumored that Col Reb was going to get tossed. Two groups were formed to protest and fight the changes, Students for University Heritage and The Rebel Student Union. I still have my "Save Colonel Reb" shirt from back then. I still remember Khayat saying Colonel Reb is and always will be our mascot. It only took 6 years. I truly believe that Khayat put a loose plan in place to systematically and slowly change Ole Miss. First the flag, then the band stopped playing Dixie after the fight song after every touchdown and David Wilson was told to play it less in general. Then the Colonel, then "From Dixie with Love". Changing street names, Then all songs with Dixie. They already floated the idea of marginalizing the name Ole Miss, but met with too much resistance, just like Colonel Reb in 1997, give them another 5 years, they will try again. In the next 10-20 years I bet we will no longer be the Ole Miss Rebels, but the Mississippi Bears or the Mississippi Flood.
Johnny, after seeing so many schools fight and win, I just knew we would take the same approach. Nope. That didn't happen at all. We rolled over and thanked them for screwing us. We will get hit harder on lighter violations than schools with big time violations.
Sooper_Rebel wrote:
Johnny, after seeing so many schools fight and win, I just knew we would take the same approach. Nope. That didn't happen at all. We rolled over and thanked them for screwing us. We will get hit harder on lighter violations than schools with big time violations. can see it coming like a train light in a tunnel.... And the sad thing is the people who oversaw the surrender will still have their jobs after we've been drawn and quartered....they will continue as before.... Encouraging thought that!
It seems to be a foregone conclusion that the COI is going to hammer us. I'm certainly concerned, but I'll wait until the sanctions are announced to make a final judgement. Mike Glazier, our lead outside counsel, worked seven years in NCAA enforcement. His approach is that if you come to the COI admitting the things you know you did wrong, you will have much more credibility to contest the things which you are believe are untrue or overblown by the investigators. We'll find out if that approach works in our case.
One thing different about our NCAA investigation from any other is that there were agenda-driven investigators allied with Ole Miss-hating individuals in a conspiracy to bring down Ole Miss football. These Ole Miss haters included supporters of rival schools and members of the media. There was obvious leaking of information by the NCAA to certain people in an attempt to further this conspiracy. I think that this will at some point be exposed and backfire on these people, but what effect it might have on our already received sanctions is questionable.
Semper wrote:
One thing different about our NCAA investigation from any other is that there were agenda-driven investigators allied with Ole Miss-hating individuals in a conspiracy to bring down Ole Miss football. These Ole Miss haters included supporters of rival schools and members of the media. There was obvious leaking of information by the NCAA to certain people in an attempt to further this conspiracy. I think that this will at some point be exposed and backfire on these people, but what effect it might have on our already received sanctions is questionable.
I would like to think, that in a fair fight and in a real 'court', this 'foul' would be penalized. However, in the "Kangaroo Court" of the NCAA I'll believe we receive such a break when I see it....
Johnny Yuma wrote:
Semper wrote:
One thing different about our NCAA investigation from any other is that there were agenda-driven investigators allied with Ole Miss-hating individuals in a conspiracy to bring down Ole Miss football. These Ole Miss haters included supporters of rival schools and members of the media. There was obvious leaking of information by the NCAA to certain people in an attempt to further this conspiracy. I think that this will at some point be exposed and backfire on these people, but what effect it might have on our already received sanctions is questionable.
I would like to think, that in a fair fight and in a real 'court', this 'foul' would be penalized. However, in the "Kangaroo Court" of the NCAA I'll believe we receive such a break when I see it....
I honestly think that the scenario is going to play out as follows:
1. COI sides with the investigators and hammers Ole Miss.
2. Ole Miss appeals, but to no avail.
3. Warren's lawsuit exposes Lewis, Jones, and Miller as liars - they either recant or are found, by the opinion of the court, as lying.
4. Ole Miss files lawsuit against the NCAA based on result of Warren's lawsuit.
5. This plays out in court and the NCAA amends the penalties in the end. (of course, this would be years later and too late to really matter)
Last edited by MeridianOMRebel (8/18/2017 10:34 am)