I reached out to Keith Carter via email to find out when we'll be able to see renderings. This was his response:
"We will release our information/renderings at the official campaign launch at the Sugar Bowl. Exciting stuff!"
Cool. I hope they ditch whomever did the Bjork end zone. Cheap bastard.
Which one is cheap, Bjork or the whomever that did the end zone, or BOTH???
The initial renderings for the NEZ looked like the SEZ. The problem was (and correct me if I'm wrong) that money donated for the NEZ got funneled to The Pavilion. Then, a last minute bait and switch by Bjork gave us that disaster we are now stuck with.
That was part of the problem but the other was the timing. The pavilion took the priority on time, so Bjork went and took the club seats that were meant to fill the NEZ, and added that field lounge in the SEZ. He also took the box seats that would have been in the NEZ and built them in the old upper concourse of the SEZ. That was an awesome feature and he fucked it up.