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I called his office at 202-224-6253 to let him know that if he votes "yes" I will make it my goal to ensure he loses his next election.
Cyndi Hyde-Smith is on the fence about it but her office states that she is leaning "no." Encourage her to stay that way at 202-224-5054.
A List of All the Insane Things in Biden's "Infrastructure" Bill
Spoiler alert: less than 25% of this bill actually goes to rebuilding infrastructure.
Policy analyst Brad Polumbo highlighted some of the examples at FEE.org.
1. $10 Billion to Create a ‘Civilian Climate Corp’
The Biden administration proposes spending $10 billion to create a “Civilian Climate Corp.” The White House claims that “This $10 billion investment will put a new, diverse generation of Americans to work conserving our public lands and waters, bolstering community resilience, and advancing environmental justice through a new Civilian Climate Corps.”
2. $20 Billion to ‘Advance Racial Equity and Environmental Justice’
The proposal sets aside a whopping $20 billion—more than the latest COVID package spent on vaccines—for “a new program that will reconnect neighborhoods cut off by historic investments and ensure new projects increase opportunity, advance racial equity and environmental justice, and promote affordable access.”
3. $175 Billion in Subsidies for Electric Vehicles
Electric vehicles: A technological novelty so good it won’t catch on without hundreds of billions in subsidies. At least, that’s apparently what the Biden administration thinks, as its infrastructure proposal earmarks a “$174 billion investment to win the electric vehicle market.”
The spending will take the form of manufacturing subsidies and consumer tax credits, which historically have benefitted wealthy families most. For comparison, the proposal carves out more for green energy goodies than it does on the total $115 billion to “modernize the bridges, highways, roads, and main streets that are in most critical need of repair.”
4. $213 Billion to Build/Retrofit 2 Million Houses & Buildings
When most people hear “infrastructure,” they think of roads, bridges, tunnels, and so on. But the Biden administration’s definition of the term is Olympian-gymnastics-level flexible. Apparently, the president considers it “infrastructure spending” to allocate $213 billion to build or retrofit 2 million “sustainable” houses and buildings. They also slip in $40 billion for public housing, stating this will “disproportionately benefit women, people of color, and people with disabilities.”
5. $100 Billion for New Public Schools and Making School Lunches ‘Greener’
You might remember that the last “COVID” legislation had $128.5 billion in taxpayer dole-outs for public schools; much of the money will be spent years after the pandemic and there was no requirement that schools actually open. Yet this was, evidently, just the beginning. The Biden “infrastructure” plan includes another “$100 billion to upgrade and build new public schools.”
“Funds also will be provided to improve our school kitchens, so they can be used to better prepare nutritious meals for our students and go green by reducing or eliminating the use of paper plates and other disposable materials,” the proposal reads. (Emphasis mine).
6. $12 Billion for Community Colleges
One generally thinks of infrastructure and higher education as separate, distinct sectors. Yet the Biden “infrastructure” plan slips in $12 billion for states to spend on community colleges.
7. Billions to Eliminate ‘Racial and Gender Inequities’ in STEM
The proposal includes several billion dollars allocated to reduce supposed “racial and gender inequities” in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) research and development.
What this has to do with interstate infrastructure is not adequately explained.
8. $100 Billion to Expand Broadband Internet (And Government Control of It)
Loosely lumped under the broad term “digital infrastructure,” the plan allocates $100 billion to “bring affordable, reliable, high-speed broadband to every American.” Interestingly, the proposal openly states that it wishes to promote government and NGO control of broadband and push out private sector providers: It “prioritizes support for broadband networks owned, operated by, or affiliated with local governments, non-profits, and co-operatives—providers with less pressure to turn profits.”
9. $25 Billion for Government Childcare Programs
The plan includes $25 billion “to help upgrade child care facilities and increase the supply of child care in areas that need it most.” According to the White House, “funding would be provided through a Child Care Growth and Innovation Fund for states to build a supply of infant and toddler care in high-need areas.”
SOURCE: Webster, Kenny. "A List of All the Insane Things in Biden's "Infrastructure" Bill." KPRC 950 AM - Real Texas, Real Talk, 1 April 2021,
And, I just found out, a tax on the mileage you drive. Won't be pretty for those of us in rural areas.
So will everyone be required to turn a logbook into the government or be required to report mileage annually? This is ludicrous and an invasion of our privacy.
Boo Wicker. Vote him OUT of office.
This doesn't surprise me. He, Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell are all RINOs.
Last edited by M.D. Still (8/09/2021 4:13 pm)
At the MOST, 23% of this bill is for infrastructure. After they pass this one, the next one they will pass is estimated by many Wash Swamp think tanks at 5-6 trillion. They say it will be 2 trillion, but that is BS.
These 17-18 coward Reps that are voting for this bill, are making the next bill impossible for them to vote against it. If Wicker votes for this, people in MS throw him out of office and the state Rep party should denounce him.
Our shared neighbor in Louisiana Clown Bill Cassidy is voting for hit also. He is dead man walking and he knows it for going against Trump after Trump backed him. I doubt Cassidy wont even run because he knows his arse is cooked,.
The other Rep RINO Swamp Rats that vote for this should all be ran out of office. Cant get them to stick together. The Liberals are winning the culture war and the funding of their list of BS because they stick together. They hold the line. Many Reps are just week and cowards and love that Swamp under the table money and have no conviction.
If you have a Rep that votes with the Liberals, might as well throw him out. Let a liberal take the spot, same thing
It's not like there's any difference between Republicans and Democrats - they just grandstand and give lip service to the dipshits that continue to support them, no matter what. The national debt has continued to grow, no matter which part was in control of the WH. The debt continued to grow under Trump - even prior to the pandemic. Biden is doing the same thing, but suddenly the Republicans act like they actually care - what a joke.
MeridianOMRebel wrote:
. Biden is doing the same thing, but suddenly the Republicans act like they actually care - what a joke.
That's the thing, they are not even acting anymore. They have been spending like drunk sailors since W Bush's second term.
Rock1Aggie wrote:
MeridianOMRebel wrote:
. Biden is doing the same thing, but suddenly the Republicans act like they actually care - what a joke.
That's the thing, they are not even acting anymore. They have been spending like drunk sailors since W Bush's second term.
Yep, and folks will continue to vote for them every single time. It's amazing watching the duopoly suddenly start 'caring' about things when the other party is in charge and how their voter base just continues to fall in line. I would think that people will eventually wake up - but that's not gonna happen. Things will just continue to get worse as the duopoly continues to drive this country into the ground.
MeridianOMRebel wrote:
Yep, and folks will continue to vote for them every single time. It's amazing watching the duopoly suddenly start 'caring' about things when the other party is in charge and how their voter base just continues to fall in line. I would think that people will eventually wake up - but that's not gonna happen. Things will just continue to get worse as the duopoly continues to drive this country into the ground.
People have to understand that RINOS are no less dangerous than Democrats. They are less extreme but they cave damn near 100% of the time leaving D.C. with no opposition to the leftist push by the Dems. People are going to have to step out of their comfort zones and start voting for candidates that are labeled "extreme" right but in reality are just common sense folks trying to follow the US Constitution. Think Rand Paul and Thomas Massie. We also need to get Tater Tot out of the Guvnuh's office and put in a more libertarian bent leader.
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