I am sure that many have heard or read the rumor about Kiffin and his GF being pregnant. I have said I didnt believe that it was true, but even if it was, big deal. Both adults and she doesnt work for him. Tons of younger women date older men, esp rich older men and add that Lane is not like some old fat , bald old man. Rich , good looking guy that is mid 40's.
Lane Kiffin[/url][url= ]@Lane_Kiffin[/url] The best part of this rumor is the usage of “DONE knocked up” Some people ….. Quote Tweet Josh Wright @JoshW_Redleg· Jul 13I heard Kiffin done knocked up an ex-Ole Miss cheerleader whose father just so happens to be an Ole Miss professor 2:41 PM · Jul 16, 2021·Twitter for iPhone [url= ][color=inherit]229[/color][/url][url= ]Retweets[/url][url= ][color=inherit]82[/color][/url][url= ]Quote Tweets[/url][url= ][color=inherit]2,856[/color][/url][url= ]Likes
It's amazing how obsessed State is with everything Ole Miss.