I didn't think this was big at first but China has 3 entire provinces and 63 cities on complete lockdown. Some leaked figures has the infected number of over 154,000 people and only 300 people have survived.
At the least, we are going to see a major hit on the economy and supply chain because China supplies the world.
I would say to calmly prep for being without supplies.
This is one reason why the US needs to do more manufacturing and bring products back to the US. Now our economy is dependent upon another country that continually has health epidemics and other chaotic events. What would happen if there were a war or some other event that would cause China to say, we will just not send what we make to your country? Global economics has made countries dependent upon other countries instead of being self sufficient.
It is much worse in China than being reported. A friend of mine is a fishing guide in the Keys and a client was suppose to fish 2 weeks ago but is hewing held in a hotel He says they dying in the streets over there.
China is a communist nation that manipulates all info to fit their agenda. All economic data coming from china has always had to be taken with a grain of salt. Same thing with the coronavirus. They have likely been giving out low ball numbers of infected and dead.
zreb wrote:
It is much worse in China than being reported. A friend of mine is a fishing guide in the Keys and a client was suppose to fish 2 weeks ago but is hewing held in a hotel He says they dying in the streets over there.
Some people estimate that the death rate is closer to 80-90% and that millions are infected, not the 30,000 reported.
This is not a fictional thing or far out there scenario. The markets will be hit hard. China will barely be able to sustain itself much less be able to manufacture products to send overseas.
They are burning bodies in the street and welding people shut in their homes. This is not a drill. The US media hasn't picked up on it yet... probably believing the "official" numbers which are B.S. Get prepared now because it's about to be expensive and unavailable if you need it.