Check out this article from USA TODAY:
A lifetime of football blows ended in tragedy for former college quarterback Jevan Snead
wont read a word. Just another attemt to blame football. CTE is a scam that a boston college DR has made millions over.
Is CTE real, yes. Do we know how many people have it that have never played football, no. Why, because it isnt tested for in everyday people who die.
Watch the Snead family sue OM and the NCAA now.
He had a ton of issues after his playing days. Where is the cause of death. I havent seen one? The family started blaming CTE the day of his death and has tried hard to keep the cause of death secret.
I have two messed up knees and a bad back that I had to fuse in my 20s. All football related and I only played up to high school. So I can imagine how much more violent things can get the further on you go.
However, no one is forcing anyone to play. You do it out of love or out of Benefit. It irritates me how everyone has to be a victim of something. The nfl did apparently cover up the damage that football can cause on your body, but tell me it is more violent than say Years of boxing and thousands of bricks thrown at your face ?
Everyone is different, everyone deals with their own circumstances. I hate it for all involved and I hope the family finds peace
Rock1Aggie wrote:
wont read a word. Just another attemt to blame football. CTE is a scam that a boston college DR has made millions over.
Is CTE real, yes. Do we know how many people have it that have never played football, no. Why, because it isnt tested for in everyday people who die.
Watch the Snead family sue OM and the NCAA now.
He had a ton of issues after his playing days. Where is the cause of death. I havent seen one? The family started blaming CTE the day of his death and has tried hard to keep the cause of death secret.
Seems his biggest problem was mental illness/depression. I'm not making light of that - depression is a real illness. I just wish he would have gotten help before making such a tragic decision. Thoughts and prayers are with his family.