I emailed that to my two daughters and one son-in-law. It pretty much nails what is wrong with most institutions of higher learning.
Today, if you lean right, you are allowed to be mentally, physically and verbally assaulted. The media will ignore it and focus on manufactured outrage
I am tired of the double standard and I am tired of the media’s pass from the public in which they can peddle lies and ideological bias with non accountability
It's not just Vitter. It existed before Vitter even got there. This has been going on for quite a while. The radical socialists were just quieter about it than they are now. My oldest son graduated about 6 years ago and parts of the academic environment were already becoming toxic. He kept trying to tell me and I didn't believe him. I believe him now.
It actually started during Vietnam, when volunteers and draftees did the fighting while those with deferments and some movie stars stayed home and protested the war. They infiltrated the colleges as professors later. Now they and their offspring are department heads and administrators.
The colleges have slowly turned left, and as they influence today's students their influence grows by leaps and bounds.
That is enough, I will get off my soapbox now.