Let me preface by saying that one of the best, most honest, God fearing men I ever knew was a lawyer. So, I don't want to paint with a broad brush an entire profession. But, that being said, my old friend and Sunday School teacher lawyer made his decisions based on moral basis footings. This new generation....not so much.
Today it seems that too many crooks have law degrees and use their knowledge of the law to skirt the intent of said law..... To whit...they seemingly have taken over the judiciary (see 9th circuit) and are now trumping (no pun intended) the other 2 branches of government into submission to their authority to the point of making laws from the bench.....See Chief Justice Roberts rewrite of Obamacare to turn it into a tax..... These un-elected bureaucrats are, IMO, out of control. They have managed to insulate themselves from being fired and once appointed are there for life....or at least the Federal positions seem so....
All that said.....this article makes the case that we're headed to Banana Republic status as a nation.....and I can't disagree. The will of the people who elect 'law makers' is being subjugated to un-elected hacks in black robes. A handful of these creatures is simply able to overturn the will of he people and dictate policy, law AND judgement. The old time inquisition had nothing on these demigods.
Click to read the full article.
Last edited by Johnny Yuma (3/20/2018 11:42 am)
people today, in general, are no longer holding accountability as a real trait that is held as a priority. Over the last few generations, consequences for actions are no longer accepted. On one hand, we all are willing to forgive and provide grace to others, but it is now going beyond the point of grace and is into the territory of outright selective enforcement.
the progressives in this world have slowly made selective enforcement of rules, laws, outrage based on a ever sliding scale based on social justice. Your opinions are only valid if you meet their defined liberal criteria. It is then solidified in the courts with the appointments of progressive judges who base their rulings not on law, but ideologically based ideals.
here is the key to the issue. Over the last 30 years, liberals have been completely happy with a slow trudge of progressive cancers creeping into all facets government. As long as the net gain moves the needle to the left, they will take it. The right unfortunately has been split into many camps that often compete against each other which allows for issues in which good candidates end up losing allowing for the more moderate candidates on the right or the liberal candidate walks on end. It is hard to win this uphill battle of principle because that is simply to much work and requires no much accountability and sacrifice.
I just don't know where we go from here. Sacrifice and accountability is no longer a trait today's masses are acquainted with.