Below are the average Basketball game attendances for the 2017-2018 at The Pavillion at Ole Miss. This data does not include the attendance for the Exhibition game against North Alabama because no attendance record was provided.
The attendance is compared to the previous season of 2016-2017. The evaluation of these numbers shows that attendance is down about 512 seats, or 6.9%, compared to the previous year. The average occupancy percent is 72.5%. The highest attendance were Miss. State (8664), Louisiana (8302), Alabama (8099), Auburn (8043), and Bradley (7993).
2017-2018 Basketball Season Attendance
# Games: 15
Total Occupancy: 9,500
Avg Attendance: 6,884
2016-2017 Avg Attendance: 7,396
Avg Attendance Difference: (512)
Avg Attendance % Difference: -6.9%
Avg Occupancy %: 72.5%